A Functional Description of the TX-0 Computer

Company:Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Text:The TX-0 is an experimental digital computer which was constructed to check transistor circuitry and a 256 x 256 magnetic core memory. The logical design is rather simple since it has only four instructions. Three of these refer to memory in the normal way, but the fourth has the interesting feature of providing the facility to micro-program via time pulses. How useful this is will be determined by the experience gained in programming for TX-0. This memo has been written to give the reader a working knowledge of the computer's logic, usefulness, and capabilities.


Address: http://bitsavers.org/pdf/mit/tx-0/6M-4789-1_TX0_funcDescr.pdf
Site: Al Kossow's Bitsavers
Format: PDF
Size: 2532539 bytes (2.4 MiB)
MD5: 6ce8f6c7d8f02e13d66180bc39215dad
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